Ciclo Apeb 08-05-2012

VOCÊ ESTÁ CONVIDADO PARA A PRÓXIMA APRESENTAÇÃO DO CICLO APEB: DIA: 08/05/2012, terça-feira. HORA: 20h00. LOCAL: Maison du Brésil. Entre o suingue brasileiro e a libertinagem à francesa : notas de campo. Manuela Vieira Blanc – Doutoranda em Sociologia Política PPGSP/UENF. Vulnerabilidade social e qualidade de vidano trabalho rural : uma análise do contexto atual do trabalho no corte de cana-de-açúcar no Brasil. Carolina Costa Resende – Doutoranda em Psicologia pela PUC-MG. Realizando estágio doutoral no Centre de Recherches Sens, Éthique, Société – CERSES. Université de Paris Descartes/CNRS. Bolsista CAPES-PDEE. As apresentações serão seguidas de um pequeno coquetel. Interessados em apresentar seus trabalhos, por favor, entrar em contato através do e-mail: – Leia Mais / En savoir plus –

Tertulias Arts & Sciences : « Sense of Simplicity »

A APEB DIVULGA Tertulias Arts & Sciences : « Sense of Simplicity » Terça-feira 02 Maio 19h30 na Maison du Japon Un projet dévelopé par le Comité des Résidents de la Maison du Brésil, avec la Maison de Portugal et la Maison du Japon. La prochaine séance sera consacrée aux thématiques suivantes: Suresh NAMPURI: “Black Holes: A hunt for quantum theory of gravity” “In this talk, I will outline the pressing questions that confront us in our efforts  to understand the easiest to sense  and simultaneously the most enigmatic force in understanding-Gravity. We will touch upon the rôle played by fantastically conceived objects in gravity called black holes in testing new paradigms and principles. This will hopefully dovetail into a slow but exhilarating journey to a deeper knowledge of the quantum theory of gravity.” Andreea Drugă:  “Retrofitting dead malls” “I will present my latest architectural project –  “Retrofitting dead malls” and show other related work.” Avijit GHOSH: “Art Fashion and Lifestyle” “A designer and artist from India, I will present perspectives on art, design, fashion and their importance in our present lifestyle. The value and implementation of design is paramount to our society. The creation of found art and its implementation to achieve simplicity of life is central to my project – “RETRO SYNTHESIS”.” Background “Tertulias Arts & Sciences” are a cycle of short talks presented by CIUP residents followed by discussion with the audience for the vulgarization of science and arts. In each session, two or three CIUP residents… – Leia Mais / En savoir plus –